Tuesday, 18 August 2020

10 most beautiful dogs breeds in the world 2021

If I am asked, what kind of dog breed is beautiful to look at? my answer is, every dog breed in the world is beautiful. with beauty, everyone has their own opinion, Not everyone will be the same.

There are over 350 dog breeds in the world. It is difficult to say who is more beautiful than whom. We can express our opinion based on certain issues if we want

Common Characteristics of Beautiful Breeds. Different people find different things pretty about dogs. some of the most common include

  • Eye-Catching Eyes

  • Long, Luxurious Coats

  • Graceful Body Lines

  • Interesting Colors and Patterns

Combining these things, the 10 names that I have chosen from my side:


The Alaskan Malamute looks like a wolf and also similar to the Siberian Husky. The Alaskan bred beauty has the muscular structure of a wolf, complete with a long thick coat, erect ears, and a unique blend of white, grey, and black markings on the body. One of the beautiful oldest dog breeds still existing in the world today, malamutes come in a variety of colors, including light grey,  black and white, grey and white, as well as red and white. the beautiful color combination makes it one of the most beautiful dog breeds in the world.


The miniature schnauzer is a small dog breed known for its distinguishable whiskers and coat. This breed loves to live indoor. This playful dog also gets along well with children. In case of training, this breed can learn tricks from their master in no time. With proper training, they could also be very friendly with other pets. This small, pretty dog only has a height between 12-14 inches and weighs up to 7 kg. Its coat comes in different colors including black, white, silver, and salt and pepper. It’s a German breed and very popular in the U.S and Europe.


Flowing Caka, silky coats ranging from red to mahogany to strawberry blonde, Irish setters are beautiful without being stuffy. And while they may not be so cute, they can be popular pets because of their fun and outgoing personality.

In most respects, Irish setters are like other bird dogs. They’re smart and easy to train, they’re always ready to make friends, and they’ll destroy everything you own if you don’t give them enough attention and exercise.


One of the most elegant breeds of dog in the world. Their long faces are also quite distinctive, as they’re simultaneously pretty and a bit strange. the breed is distinguished by unique features like its thick, fine, silky, long coat, accentuated by a beautiful tail with a ring curl at the end. Their long faces are also quite distinctive, as they’re simultaneously pretty and a bit strange.


Bernese mountain originally breeds in Switzerland. It is a large, beautiful breed. It is one of the varieties of Swiss mountain dogs. Bernese mountain dog has rust-colored markings on eyes, mouth, and front legs. Their bushy tail is carried below and ears are triangular in shape. The strikingly colored thick coat of this breed also gives prevention against weather threats. owners need to train them well in the puppy-hood itself. By heritage, Bernese mountain dogs developed as farm dogs, especially to protect the cattle. They are very gentle with children and other pets.


lion-like looking dog Chow Chow that originally breed in Northern China. This dog is also called Songshi-Quan which means the puffy-lion dog. This breed comes in 5 colors – red, black, cream, cinnamon, and blue. Apart from eye-catching appearance, Chow chows are known for their skills in protection and hunting. Chow Chow cab grown length between 17 and 20 inches and weight up to 32 kg. They demand your attention and care. a well-trained chow could be a great family dog.


The graceful, medium-sized Siberian Husky’s almond-shaped eyes can be either brown or blue—and sometimes one of each—and convey a keen but amiable and even mischievous expression. Quick and nimble-footed, Siberians are known for their powerful but seemingly effortless gait. Tipping the scales at no more than 60 pounds, they are noticeably smaller and lighter than their burly cousin, the Alaskan Malamute. In fact, breeders and fanciers prefer the moniker Siberians over huskies, as the latter suggests a bigger, brawnier dog than what is the standard for the breed.

As born pack dogs, Siberians enjoy family life and get on well with other dogs; their innate friendliness renders them indifferent watchdogs. This breed is also energetic and can’t resist chasing small animals, so a secure running room is a must. An attractive feature of the breed: Siberians are naturally clean, with little doggy odor.

Information collected from 

Siberian Husky Dog Breed Information - American Kennel Club


A tiny dog, measuring 8 to 11 inches at the shoulder, you can still spot a Papillon a block away thanks to the large, wing-shaped ears that give the breed its name (“Papillon” is French for “butterfly”). Some Paps have erect ears; in others, known as the Phalene type, the ears are down. Paps are dainty and elegant, with a plumed tail, and a long, silky coat of several color combinations, the base color being white. More robust than they look, Paps are little dogs for all seasons and reasons. They thrive in warm or cool climates, in town or country, and are eager to join the family fun. They are excellent agility dogs and are consistent winners at the sport’s highest levels; less ambitious owners can train them to do all kinds of tricks.

information collected from 

beautiful dog

Being a very strong and hardworking dog is Samoyed dog breeds. In the Siberian city    of Omaikon, temperatures of minus -60 degrees they normally live. above all, they are remain friendly, gentle, and devoted family dogs.

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Number 1 which one will you keep? Let us know if you think any breed has been dropped from the list. comment on your favorite one.


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