Dogs have been man's best friend for almost 15,000 years. Dogs are very loyal. A dog can be a wonderful addition to any home. When you first time adopt a puppy, it is your responsibility to take care of the puppy and ensure his health. Here are some useful tips for all dog parents.
Before You Bring Your Dog Home. You will need food, water, and food bowls, leash, collar, training crate, brush, comb, and canine chew toys.
- Puppies 8 to 12 weeks old need 4 meals a day.
- Puppies 3 to 6 months old need 3 meals a day.
- Puppies six months to one year need two meals a day.
- When your dog is 1 year old, one meal a day is usually enough.
- For some dogs (such as larger ones or those prone to bloat), it’s better to continue to feed two smaller meals
Your dog may enjoy cottage cheese, cooked eggs, fruits, and vegetables, but these additions should not total more than 10 percent of your dog’s daily food intake. Premium-quality dry food provides a well-balanced diet and may be mixed with water, broth, or some canned food. Wash food and water dishes frequently. Please limit “people food,” however, because it can cause puppies to suffer vitamin and mineral imbalances, bone, and teeth problems and may cause very picky eating habits, as well as obesity. Have clean, fresh water available at all times.
Dogs exercise Depends on his breed. Every dog needs daily exercise for mental and physical arousal. Exercise also tends to help dogs avoid boredom, which can lead to destructive behaviors. Going out with the dog, having fun with the dog, and playing with the dog can make the dog exercise.
You can help keep your dog clean and reduce sheds by brushing frequently. Take care of your dog depending on the weather. Most dogs don’t need to be bathed more than a few times a year. If you bathe your puppy. Before bathing, scrape or cut off all mats from the coat. Carefully wash off all soap from the coat, or dirty soap residue will stick
The easiest way to handle small dogs, They are sometimes known as "lapdogs",
There are some dog breeds that are much bigger. when you will carry a puppy or small dog, place one hand under the dog’s chest, with either your forearm or other hand supporting the hind legs and rump, Never attempt to lift forelegs, tail, or back of the neck. If you do have to lift a large dog, lift from the under-side, supporting his chest with one arm and his rear end with the other.
It is important to ensure a safe place for your pet dog to stay. Your pet needs a warm, quiet place to rest, away from all drafts and away from the floor. Make sure your dog doesn't get wet in the rain and stay warm in the winter.
Licencing & Identification:
Follow your community’s licensing regulations. when you will complete license your dog, be sure to attach it to your dog neck. A license, ID tag, implanted microchip or tattoo can help secure your dog’s return if he becomes lost.Contact your local humane society or SPCA for training class recommendations. Start teaching your puppy manners NOW!
For more information please visit ASPCA website
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