many foods dogs can eat, Some foods are not suitable for dogs. We should have an idea about foods that are not suitable for dogs, Do not feed the dog anything harmful without knowing it. dangerous toxic foods that can put health at risk. If you don't know which foods are not suitable for dog food then you can find out from this article
Many foods suitable for human consumption are not suitable for dogs. The 15 food not to feed your dog.
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Cats and dogs have different dietary requirements. Cat food is much more meaty protein than dog food. Cats food has a lot of protein and fat in their diet which is not good for dogs. The protein and fat inside cat food are not healthy for your dog. Eating too much cat food can cause stomach upset. If your dog shows signs of intestinal discomfort after eating cat food, call your veterinarian immediately.
The toxic ingredient in chocolate is theobromine. Humans metabolize theobromine easily but dogs process it more slowly, allowing it to create toxic levels in their systems. 3.5g of dark chocolate for every kilogram they weigh and 14g of milk chocolate for every kilogram they weigh can kill a dog. A very small amount of chocolate can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
Garlic contains thiosulfate which is toxic to dogs, Humans can easily digest garlic but dogs cannot. Thiosulfate causes oxidative damage to red blood cells, resulting in hemolytic anemia and methemoglobinemia. you can feed half tea-spoon garlic powder, an overdose isn't safe for dogs.
Alcohol is toxic to dogs. Ethanol poisoning can cause central nervous system depression. Dogs become lethargic and unprotected, leading to loss of consciousness, respiratory failure, and possible death. small doses are god but over-doses are bad
Avocado is healthy fruit for humans but Avocado isn't safe for your dog. Avocados contain person, a fungicidal toxin, which can cause serious health problems vomiting, and diarrhea even dogs will die.
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grape or raisin toxicity can even be fatal. Ingesting the fruit could potentially lead to acute sudden kidney failure in dogs. will kidney failure If the dog eats 0.3 ounces of grapes per pound of body weight and for raisins 0.05 ounces per pound.
You can feed your dog bell pepper, Bell pepper is good for health. Be sure to chop peppers into small pieces because the outer skin can be tough and difficult to chew. If the dog cannot digest the pepper then the stomach may be upset and diarrhea may occur.
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
The whole part of the onion plant is very harmful to dogs. Dogs cannot be fed raw or cooked onions. If a dog eats onions, it will not be digested. This can lead to poisoning, which can lead to stomach upset or diarrhea.
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Dogs like humans have sweet teeth, but too much sweetness is bad for dogs. Too many sweets can make your dog lose weight, it can ruin your dog’s teeth. Excess sugar can cause diabetes in a dog, even shortening its lifespan.
When a dog eats bread dough it will expand and rise within his tummy, Just like yeast rises in bread. Make sure they don’t get any. the yeast in the dough continues to make the dough rise, distending his stomach and releasing toxic levels of ethanol into the dog's bloodstream.
It is strictly forbidden to feed Makadamia nuts to dogs from among the foods eaten by humans, The consequences of eating macadamia nuts include vomiting, ataxia, weakness, hyperthermia, and depression.
Apple is a favorite fruit of all. But the seeds of this apple can be very harmful to dogs. Apples contain BJ cyanide which remains in the stomach even when chewed. This can lead to many problems for the dog. So make sure your dog refrains from eating these.
Bones is a favorite food of dogs. But if it is cooked, it is very harmful to dogs. Cooking bones are scattered which can cause severe damage to the dog's intestines, throat, or suffocation. Cooking bones disrupt the dog's nutrition, so refrain from feeding your dog.
Raw fish and meat are harmful to the dog because raw fish have bacteria like salmonella and listeria, It can make your dog sick. raw fish and meat pose a risk to you and your family according to the FDA. CDC, and others all have taken the position against feeding dogs raw meat.
Consult a veterinarian to give vitamin dosage to dogs. Human vitamin dosage is not suitable for dogs. use of vitamin dosage specifically made for dogs. The human vitamin is harmful to dogs.
All the facts have been collected from the internet, if you have trouble understanding a subject, please consult with a veterinarian
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