There are more than 48 species of cats in the world. Every cat breed is surrounded by truly extraordinary beauty. Within so many breeds of these cats, some cat coat is a little too luxurious and colorful, Which sets them apart from other cats in terms of beauty.
It must also be admitted that they have to take a little more care because of their large fur. Cat owners don't care about this, they love to take care of his cat. long hair cat breeds are very popular in the world. here's a list of our 15 domestic long-haired cat breeds.
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Maine Coon cat
The Maine Coon cat breed is the world's largest domesticated cat breed. Their beautiful looks and long luxurious fur have made them unique to cat lovers.
The Maine coon is one of the oldest cat breeds in North America, native to the US state of Maine where Maine coon is the official state cat.
The coat colors of any Maine Coon cat are different colors or combinations of colors. There are so many listed 75 different coat colors and color combinations. This cat species can easily blend in with humans of all ages and all other animals.
Persian Cat
One of the oldest and most popular cat breeds in the world, The long-haired and elegant Persian cats. They can be nice and playful companions.
The Persian cat has more than 80 color variations including black, white, blue, chocolate, red, cream, lilac, and silver.
The eyes of Persian cats come in blue-green, deep blue, or brown colors. The medium-sized Persian cat has a full cheek, rounded head, large-rounded eyes, and short nose. More about Persian cat
American Bobtail cat
The American Bobtail cat breeds are very intelligent and social with any age peoples. There are two types of the coat have bobtail cat breeds, short hair, and long hair. Do not mix with adults until they are 2 to 3 years old.
Birman cat
A Birman cat running like a horse. this cat has 3 color combination
The Birman cat breeds are a playful, active, quiet, and gentle breed with really friendly dispositions. Cats of this breed live well and live a long time. Their body hairs are semi-long, and the tail hairs are longer luxurious.
Their blue eyes and markings are similar to the Siamese cat. Bright blue, almost round eyes with its sweet expression.
Himalayan Cat
Himalayan cats are cross cat breeds between Persian cats and Siamese cats. Himalayan cat breeds are quite calm down more than Siamese cat breeds. The body and tail hairs of Himalayan cats are much larger.
They need to be brushed regularly to maintain the softness and shine of the stunning coat. Most of the fur on the Himalayan body is white or cream but the points are of different colors.
Ragdoll cat
The first Ragdoll cat was born in California in the 1960s. They are a hybrid result of a mating between a Birman tom and a white Persian cat female. The Ragdoll cat breed has a color point coat and blue eyes, and a larger size.
The Ragdoll cat breeds have three distinct coat patterns and each pattern comes in four colors. They're regal cats that will also be your best friend.
The British Longhair cat or kitten's personality resembles that of British Shorthair. They are very calm and quiet cats, who appreciate the presence of their owner.
Siberian cat
This is a cat that nature designed to survive, with no extremes in type. The Siberian is a medium to the medium-large, strong triple-coated cat with surprising heft for its size. The overall appearance should be one of strength, presence, and alertness, with a sweet facial expression.
Norwegian forest cat
The Norwegian cat is a very strong and athletic cat breeds. Their body size is larger than that of many domestic cats. These cats can be alone in a room with people, They do not demand attention from people. They are paired with other dogs and cats as well as light-behaved children.
Turkish Angora cat
Turkish Angoras are one of the oldest, natural species of cats, born in central Turkey in the Ankara region. Turkish Angora cats have long, silky luxurious coats and elegant, sinful bodies. A turkey Turkish angora can often be mistaken for a snow whale. Although it is known for its glossy white coat and luxurious pet tail, Turkish angora cats can display a variety of colors.
Scottish fold cat
The Scottish fold cat breed is a domestic cat. The unique thing about this cat was that her ears folded downward and forward on her head. Scottish folds are usually intelligent, sweet-natured, soft-spoken, and easily adapt to new peoples and situations.
Ragamuffin cat

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